Wednesday, September 29, 2004


Things went OK today, even though I was up until like 3:30 this morning (that gives me less than 4 hours of sleep).

My throat is sore and talking gets difficult (my voice sounds "skritchy" to me, DH agrees that it does sound funny) but I did a lot of talking today anyway:

I went into the new-ish coffee shop next door to Blockbuster and ended up in a networking conversation with a local photographer. Lots of good info which I then passed on to a friend who is an excellent amateur photographer, and could definitely follow the path this woman took to becoming a professional and bringing in a good income.

Talked briefly to my sister and filled her in on the medical stuff. She has her own med woes and we commiserate easily. Unlike DH, she did not bust me for saying that I have cancer. The dr said she thinks it's papillary cancer, there's no point in tiptoeing around the fact that is probably what is going on. Yes, it's true, there is no definitive diagnosis of cancer yet, but that's immaterial at this point.

My brother called, having just talked to my mom and hearing the news of my impending surgery. He's troubled and trying to reach out, but I could just deck him: he told me that mom is really upset by all this, as I knew from my conversation with her yesterday. Still, it doesn't help me at all to know that my mom is in tears with worry over me. I spent about 10 minutes reassuring her yesterday that I would be fine, obviously it's not enough. Poor dear. I feel very badly for putting her through this. Being a mom is really hard.

Had an excellent, far-ranging conversation with DH this evening (post kid-bedtime), too. He's the best.

I'm motivated to do a lot of things but I wonder if I will get to any of them? I'm so easily distracted these days! I had my pity party yesterday, so today it was all business, no point in being in a funk, it accomplishes nothing.

The kids were awesome today. DD and DS2 had a lot of fun playing with/in the water table this afternoon. They poured water over their heads and got their clothes soaked... it was too funny. "Um, bathing suits, guys?" They forgot! Silly. No big deal. DD moves from one end of the behavior spectrum to the other, extremely kind one moment, willful and obnoxious the next. I'm hopeful, though, since the kind moments are coming more frequently.

And that will have to do, as I am about to fall over here.

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