Thursday, December 02, 2004

dept. of complaints

I have a cold.

My throat is killing me. Every time I swallow, it hurts. I took the time to grab the flashlight and look at it, because it has definitely reached strep-throat level of throat pain, but luckily it doesn't look like strep. Nope, just killer post-nasal drip on top of surgery and RAI -- none of which are particularly throat-friendly.

So, occasionally I feel like I'm being stabbed in the sinuses. It's just lovely. (not)

I'd take a sudafed, but I'm afraid I would pass out and miss picking up someone at school, or otherwise become incapacitated. I'm so sensitive to everything these days, about the strongest medication I'll risk is the menthol/eucalyptus inhaler. It does help for a while.

What I really want to do is sleeeeeep.

My leg starts throbbing if I'm on it for any length of time: Dr T, my dermatologist, took two biopsies yesterday from the back of my right leg. The good news is that even though that's my "driving leg", the biopsy sites are below where my leg rests on or would run up against the seat of the car. The bad news is that standing or really doing anything where the leg is not up or immobile for any length of time is difficult today. I know it will get better, but it'll be two weeks until the stitches come out.

Of course, it's just perfect timing to have stitches in my leg, making walking around even more difficult, for the two week run-up to Christmas when I have -- what else -- major shopping to do! I knew there was a reason I wanted to postpone this procedure. OTOH, those spots did look dark and ominous and I've seen references to higher incidences of melanoma in folks with thyroid cancer [thyCa](or was it the other way around? I think there may be some chicken-and-egg question there -- does the thyCa contribute to the melanoma, or the other way around?) At any rate, I am rife with thyCa and melanoma is much worse, so it's best not to take any chances.

Between the cold and the biopsies, I'm feeling quite abused today. It's very cold out (for here), too, and my hands are stiff and my feet are not doing that great, either. I know I've felt worse but I'm about ready to declare myself in a mini-flare.

Now I will go take some ibuprofen and stop feeling sorry for myself. Ha!

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