Wednesday, December 22, 2004

moving the goal

I am sitting here, bone tired, but contentedly thinking that today was a successful day.

Then I realize how little it takes for a day to meet that criteria: all the kids adequately fed, the kitchen cleaned. Dinner on time and something that everyone ate; the family room picked up from the day's activities.

That's it. I didn't even properly dress today -- yoga pants and a sweatshirt -- never mind having a shower; the kids never dressed out of their pj's at all.

I picked up the mail from the mailbox; I put the newspapers into the recycling bin. The kids played and watched tv and played silly online computer games (here's my favorite). Nobody was cross for long enough for me to even remember, now, if anyone was ever cross, at all.

Ah -- how silly! I forgot, I actually wrote my column for the January LCL magazine, which required calculating out the nutrition info and deciding on a framing story for the apple pancakes. It came rather easily, too.

And so it was a successful day, even if my measurement of success may be judged rather poorly by many others.

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