Monday, October 03, 2005

short takes

7.5 days completed on the Nystatin treatment, 2.5 to go. The stuff tastes vile, but only after swallowing. During the swishing part, I just taste the minty flavor they add to it (I'm assuming). After swallowing, the bitter nasties come through. Also: no change in the red spot on the tongue.

My blood work came back "normal" last week. Ha! "Normal." Who are they calling normal? Anyway, I never trust that assessment (the bloodwork that eventually led to my cancer dx was all "normal," too), and need to get a copy of the results to bring with me to Houston anyway. Remember to call!

I always feel taller after yoga class.

I am completely besotted with HBO's Rome. Great compilation of real historical figures and completely fictional characters, all interacting in a very real-looking recreation of ancient Rome. What makes it, though, is the incredibly consistent, high quality of the acting. Outstanding cast all around, but the boys are my favorites: Vorenus, Pullo, and Octavian. Way too much good stuff.

Contractors don't meet remodelling deadlines for businesses, either: Border's new cafe was supposed to open on Thursday, but we didn't get a chance to go on Friday after school as we usually do, because DS2 was sick. So we popped down this afternoon to try it out, and... it wasn't open yet! Much disappointment all around, but I was laughing at myself for believing that it would be done when they said it would be. To their credit: it looked like construction changes were complete, and they were just training the staff. However, "Re-opening Sept 28" is nowhere close to "Staff training on Oct 2." Next time: call first!

DS2's virus only lasted that one day, Friday. He was well enough to do a Peter Piper Pizza birthday party and Mass on Saturday, and just fine for the photo shoot we did in the late afternoon today with Lisa Maynard. She's fantastic, but I still hate pictures of myself -- there's nothing for it. These guys, however, are simply gorgeous:

Photograph by Lisa Maynard

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